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Why does Tocumwal wish to have an Historic Aerodrome Museum? It does so in order to pay tribute to the men and machines of World War II. It is not to glorify war, which is the most terrible of man's follies, but to acknowledge the determination of young people who saved our country for us. We would do well to preserve what little history we do have and to ensure that the ideals and achievements of those earlier times are recorded and displayed, so that today's young people can look, read, and wonder and dwell upon the thought - "There but for the Grace of God go I"
And secondly, we wish to have an Historic Aerodrome Museum, because in today's terms the aerodrome is an asset. Country towns struggle for existence. All along the Murray River, the border towns are reidentifying themselves. No longer just a poker machine destination, the area is now marketing its real benefits to the tourism industry. The Murray development initiatives are encouraging each of the districts to analyse, develop and promote all their natural advantages and then, most importantly, to link all the districts into a cohesive package for tourism.
We see the Tocumwal Historic Aerodrome as having the potential to be a major component of that package. So, many people are now recognising the worth of a Tocumwal Historic Aerodrome Museum, not only for the past, but also for the present and the future of Tocumwal. Annual membership of the group is available for $10.00 per person, for participation in monthly meetings and in projects such as the current effort to map and sign post significant aerodrome sites. And if you feel that you can assist with a story, a photograph, any memorabilia, a contact, or even a donation, then you will be helping to breathe life into a sleeping giant, the Tocumwal Historic Aerodrome
And secondly, we wish to have an Historic Aerodrome Museum, because in today's terms the aerodrome is an asset. Country towns struggle for existence. All along the Murray River, the border towns are reidentifying themselves. No longer just a poker machine destination, the area is now marketing its real benefits to the tourism industry. The Murray development initiatives are encouraging each of the districts to analyse, develop and promote all their natural advantages and then, most importantly, to link all the districts into a cohesive package for tourism.
We see the Tocumwal Historic Aerodrome as having the potential to be a major component of that package. So, many people are now recognising the worth of a Tocumwal Historic Aerodrome Museum, not only for the past, but also for the present and the future of Tocumwal. Annual membership of the group is available for $10.00 per person, for participation in monthly meetings and in projects such as the current effort to map and sign post significant aerodrome sites. And if you feel that you can assist with a story, a photograph, any memorabilia, a contact, or even a donation, then you will be helping to breathe life into a sleeping giant, the Tocumwal Historic Aerodrome
Tocumwal Historic Aerodrome Museum, P.O. Box 47, Tocumwal, New South Wales, 2714.
Copyright 2011 Tocumwal Historic Aerodrome Museum